Bartender License
View additional information on the Beverage Alcohol Sellers and Servers Education and Training (BASSET).
Layoff Assistance Guide
After a layoff you may need specific resources to help you recover. Use this resource to find short-term recovery programs, like Unemployment Insurance, and others that can help you get back on your feet.
Careers at the Illinois Tollway
Looking to join the Tollway team? Check out all our employment opportunities.
Employment Charge of Discrimination
IDHR investigates charges of Employment discrimination filed against private employers, state or local government, unions and employment agencies. Individuals can also be charges in some cases.
Pesticide License Search
A pesticide license is required of everyone applying Restricted Use pesticides or anyone applying General or Restricted Use pesticides in the course of employment.
Taxpayer Answer Center
Find an answer to your tax question by category.
Income Tax Refund Status Inquiry
Utilize 'Where's My Refund?' to find out
Error Notice & Bill Inquiry
Utilize MyTax Illinois for error notices and bill inquiries.
File Income Taxes
File income taxes online with MyTax Illinois.
Illinois Income Tax Filing (IL-1040)
Use MyTax Illinois to electronically file your original Individual Income Tax Return.
Tax Rate Finder
Utilize the Tax Rate Database for more information on taxes administered by IDOR.
Deferred Compensation Plan
Information and forms to enroll in (tax) deferred compensation plan.
State Government Jobs
State of Illinois job postings and information
Connect To Job Education & Training Opportunities
These articles cover resources and tools to plan and participate in training opportunities and connect to financial support to become qualified in your career field.
Job Openings in Illinois
Use the Illinois workNet JobFinder to find recent job listings that best fit your skills and interests.
Illinois workNet Online Resume Builder
A comprehensive tool to help you build your resume and stand out from the crowd
Prepare For A Job Search, & Interview
These articles cover resources and tools to help you get a job or start a business.
Recruit & Hire Employees
The resources here will help you explore recruiting opportunities, post jobs, find local events (like job fairs in your area), and learn about special programs.
Certify Weekly Unemployment Benefits
You must certify for your eligibility every two weeks. There are two ways to claim your weeks of unemployment insurance benefits: certify online via the website or by phone using the Tele-Serve system. You can certify for benefits online at http://www.ides.illinois.gov/Pages/Certify_Weekly_Benefits.aspx
Apply for Unemployment Insurance Benefits
The employment service registration requirement is an existing legal requirement for individuals who have applied for Unemployment Insurance benefits. In Illinois, claimants register with the employment service online at www.IllinoisJobLink.com.
Find Job Fairs
IDES hosts job fairs and hiring events all across Illinois. Find the one nearest to you.
Find Employment Services for Veterans
Assisting veterans in finding gainful employment is a top priority at IDES. Our staff provides veterans with priority of service for employment services (does not apply to unemployment insurance). In addition, we have nearly 40 offices located throughout Illinois with Employment Specialists available to provide a full array of services to assist veterans.
CDL Appointment Scheduling
Commercial Drivers License (CDL) Scheduling allows you to schedule a CDL appointment on line. It also discusses what is required to schedule an appointment or to call regarding information concerning CDL's.
Vocational Rehabilitation Services
Vocational Rehabilitation Services help people with disabilities find and keep jobs. These services help people find jobs or get ready to work. They also make sure that people have the supports they need to stay on the job.
Gubernatorial Appointment Application
Learn more about Illinois' Boards and Commissions and apply for membership on them
Find Volunteer Opportunities
Links to Serve Illinois website to find or submit volunteer opportunities statewide
Employer's Workers' Compensation Insurance Coverage Search
Search and verify employers' workers' compensation insurance policies. The database does not include Illinois employers that are in self-insurance pools, which are regulated by the Illinois Division of Insurance
Military Affairs Job Openings
The Illinois Department of Military Affairs is a dedicated team of professionals that support and serve the uniformed men and women of the Illinois National Guard.
College Insurance Program
Site with information FOR STATE EMPLOYEES about securing health insurance coverage for college students in your family
Apply for Disability Rehabilitation Services
If you live in Illinois and have a disability, the Division of Rehabilitation Services may be able to help you find a job or live at home independently.
Lincoln’s ChalleNGe Academy:
Lincoln’s ChalleNGe Academy is a quasi-military structured education program for Illinois youth 15 1/2 to 18 years old. It offers a safe residential environment with a life skills and character-building curriculum for an opportunity to help change their future for the better. LCA uses a holistic approach to help cadets become responsible and productive members of their communities. Cadets have the opportunity to gain positive values, receive job skill certifications, and academic credentials, and learn life skills to help them better prepare themselves. They use skills in the 12-month Post Residential Phase as they follow their life plan, work with their mentor, and continued support from the academy. LCA is a voluntary program. Cadets are not court-ordered or placed in the program. It is a choice they make to change the direction of their lives.
Join the Illinois National Guard
The Illinois National Guard is about dedication to state and country, a citizen-soldier tradition that spans more than 380 years. It's a military team that shares core values, convictions and beliefs.
Professional License Reprint/Address Change
Print a copy of your Illinois professional license or submit a change of address.
Professional License Renewals
Renew your Illinois professional license on IDFPR's Online Licensure Renewal page.
Licensing and Testing - Professional Regulation
Learn more about the requirements for obtaining a professional license in Illinois.
Job Openings in Illinois through Illinoisjoblink.com
To find jobs in Illinois, go to illinoisjoblink.com
Find Equal Pay Information
The Equal Pay Act prohibits employers with four or more employees from paying unequal wages to men and women for doing the same or substantially similar work.
Find Minimum Wage Information
Minimum wage in Illinois is $11.00 per hour for those individuals who are 18 years and older. There are exceptions.
Find Child Labor Law Information
Child Labor Law regulates the employment of workers under 16 years of age.
Report A Labor Law Complaint
File a complaint with the Illinois Department of Labor.
1040 ES Payment Inquiry
View estimated payment details for your Individual Income Tax Return with MyTax Illinois.
1099-G Lookup
View your current year 1099-G Certain Government Payments information online with MyTax Illinois.
Career Interests & Skills Assessment
Start exploring your skills and interests while also discovering new career paths with the skills and interest surveys on Illinois workNet (provided by CIS brought to you by IDES).
Become a Developmental Disabilities Provider
Learn more about enrolling as a new developmental disabilities service provider or adding services as an established provider.
Become an Alcoholism, Substance Abuse, & Intervention Provider
Learn more about becoming an Alcoholism & Substance Treatment & Intervention Provider.
Work Incentive Planning & Assistance
These services help individuals who receive Supplemental Security Income or Social Security Disability Insurance and are interested in getting a job understand how working will affect their benefits.
Apply for Job Coaching & Day Services
Day programs are offered to adults who have a developmental disability who live in residential settings, by themselves or with family. Programs may include daily living skills, outings, vocational training, employment opportunities and recreation.
Volunteer to Maintain Natural & Recreational Resources
Those looking to help can learn about the many ways to volunteer to help maintain natural and recreational resources.
Illinois Conservation Foundation Donations
Donations are always welcomed to support youth conservation education through the Illinois Conservation Foundation.
Fur Tanner or Dyer License
Furbearer licenses can be purchased through the IDNR website
Volunteering Opportunities at the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum
Help us tell the story of America’s greatest president by sharing the life and legacy of Abraham Lincoln with guests from around the world. Great things are happening here. Become a volunteer today!
Museum Internship
Information on obtaining an internship at the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum.