Possible online services disruption due to Internet related outage
A worldwide technology outage is causing disruption to some State of Illinois online systems. We are aware of this issue and are diligently working on restoration.
Safe2Help Illinois is available 24/7, and at no cost to all school districts in the state. In the absence of a trusted adult, students can use a free app, text/phone, or the website (Safe2HelpIL.com) to share school safety issues in a confidential environment. Information obtained by Safe2Help Illinois will remain confidential to ensure student privacy and to protect the integrity of the program. This program is not intended to suspend, expel or punish students; rather, the goal is to encourage students to “Seek Help Before Harm.”
ELIS allows all educators, administrators, district employees, licensure officers, ROEs, and the public to operate in one system. ELIS provides educators with a clear and streamlined process to apply for and maintain their credentials.
Learn more about the new Illinois Learning Standards for early learning, English/language arts, English language learning, fine arts, foreign language, math, PE/health, science, and social sciences.
The Illinois General Assembly passed the School Construction Law (Public Act 90-548) in December 1997 to address the shortage of classroom space due to population growth or aging buildings. ISBE and the Capital Development Board administer the grant program.
The College Board’s SAT with essay is the state's required accountability assessment for high school and also serves as a free college admissions exam. All public school students in 11th grade must take the SAT with essay in order to graduate with a regular diploma.
IDNR publications can be ordered online.
Find Illinois educator licensing requirements, information about license renewal and reinstatement, professional development opportunities, and guidelines to become an approved professional development provider.
Find links to the School Safety Drill Act, Joint Rules adopted by the Office of the State Fire Marshal and ISBE, forms for documenting minimum compliance, a School Emergency and Crisis Response Plan Template, and other multi-hazard training documents.
ISBE offers numerous direct grant opportunities through state and federal funds received by the agency. ISBE also publicizes some opportunities for school districts to apply directly to federal agencies or private/corporate foundations for funding.
Illinois administers a federally required math and English language arts assessment to all students in grades 3-8, except those students who take the alternate assessment (DLM-AA). The Illinois Assessment of Readiness assesses students’ mastery of the Illinois Learning Standards and contributes to federally required accountability designations for schools.
Trauma-informed care is essential to supporting students’ academic and social-emotional wellbeing. Find resources to support your student’s mental health at school and at home.
ISBE’s Student Advisory Council provides resources, information, and engagement opportunities for Illinois students. Get involved and learn how to apply for the council.
FRIS Inquiry is a view-only system that contains state and federal grant, expenditure, and disbursement information for all local education agencies that receive funding from the Illinois State Board of Education.
Educators can find resources to help students grow and achieve, including links to webpages organized by program area, a list of announcements and deadlines, and a list of frequently asked questions.
With the adoption of the new Illinois Learning Standards, the state has retired many of its old tests. Our new, innovative assessments allow students to show what they know and are able to do and provide educators with reliable data to help guide instruction.