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Administrative Order 1 (2009)

Vacation Time Accrual Policy Superseding Administrative Order No. 3 (2003)

This Order supersedes Administrative Order No. 3 (2003) and directs each of the agencies that are under the supervision of the Governor but exempt from Personnel Rules 303.250 and 303.270, to conform their practices to be consistent with the following.

Employees are encouraged to use vacation time in the calendar year in which it is earned. In establishing vacation schedules, the agency shall consider both the employee's preference and the operating needs of the agency. In any event, upon request, vacation time must be scheduled so that it may be taken not later than 24 months after the expiration of the calendar year in which such vacation time was earned. If an employee does not request and take accrued vacation within such 24 month period, vacation earned during such calendar year shall be lost. Agency heads may promulgate policies by which a waiver may be granted under circumstances in which employee's work schedule has prohibited scheduling of vacation.

This Order applies only to employees who are otherwise exempt from Personnel Rules 303.250 and 303.270, which provide that employees subject to the jurisdiction of the Personnel Rules cannot accumulate vacation time beyond a period of 24 months from the end of the calendar year in which it was earned. 80 Ill. Admin. Code 303.250; 80 Ill. Admin. Code 303.270.

This Order shall be effective immediately.

Pat Quinn


Issued: November 19, 2009