Executive Order Number 06-09 (PDF, 26 KB)

WHEREAS, all State agencies have a responsibility to prevent and eliminate fraud, piracy, and theft, and every State employee has an affirmative responsibility to report incidents of fraud, piracy, and theft; and
WHEREAS, the State of Illinois is entrusted with the proper and ethical operation and maintenance of its information management systems to prevent fraud, piracy, and theft; and
WHEREAS, the use of certain peer-to-peer file-sharing on State computers creates a potential security risk by allowing individuals outside of State government to access the State’s information management systems; and
WHEREAS, without adequate protections and procedures in place, the use of peer-to-peer file-sharing software can result in the presence of viruses and malicious programs on State information management system computers and networks and consume network resources resulting in inefficient performance of those systems;
NOW THEREFORE, I, Rod Blagojevich, Governor of the State of Illinois, by virtue of the power and authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the State of Illinois, do hereby order:
- The Department of Central Management Services shall develop a statewide policy for use by each State agency, department, board, and commission which prohibits unauthorized or illegal use of peer-to-peer software programs. While most software has inherent risks, it is unauthorized or illegal use that poses the greatest risk to the security and integrity of the State’s information management systems. The policy shall also define authorized use of legitimate file-sharing between, among, or within federal, State, or local government entities for official business, or law enforcement purposes, the use of which should not pose security risks to the government’s computer systems.
- The Department of Central Management Services shall assess the availability and cost effectiveness of technologies that may be used to prevent fraud, piracy, and theft by prohibited peer-to-peer file-sharing activities on State government computers, networks, and other information management systems.
- The chair or executive director of each State agency, department, board, or commission shall be responsible for ensuring compliance with the statewide policy. CMS shall use its best efforts to develop a policy that minimizes any negative fiscal impact on State agencies.
- For purposes of this executive order, “peer-to-peer file-sharing software” means computer software, other than computer and network operating systems, that has as its primary function the capability of allowing the computer on which the software is used to designate files available for transmission to another computer using the software, to transmit files directly to another computer using the software, and to request transmission of files from another computer using the software.
This Executive Order shall become effective upon filing with the Secretary of State.
Rod R. Blagojevich, Governor
Issued by Governor: September 11, 2006
Filed with Secretary of State: September 11, 2006