Executive Order Number 02-07 (PDF, 123 KB)

WHEREAS, in June of 1999, the U.S. Supreme Court in Olmstead v L.C. delivered an opinion regarding Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) pertaining to public services and programs provided by governmental entities, and
WHEREAS, the Department of Human Services, in collaboration with the Departments of Public Aid, Public Health, Aging, the Housing Development Authority and other concerned Departments of Illinois Government worked in cooperation with a group of Illinois citizens with disabilities, advocates and other interested parties to survey the service delivery system in the State through a series of meetings and public forums; and
WHEREAS, the Department of Human Services, in collaboration with the Departments of Public Aid, Aging and the Housing Development Authority, and through the cooperation of Illinois citizens and advocate groups have developed a Community Living and Disabilities Plan for Illinois;
THEREFORE, I, George H. Ryan, Governor of the State of Illinois, hereby order the following:
There is created the Illinois Disabilities Services Advisory Committee to provide guidance and monitor the progress of the Community Living and Disabilities Plan.
The membership of the Committee shall be composed of:
A minimum of 20 individuals appointed by the Governor, including persons with disabilities, family members of persons with disabilities, representatives of various advisory councils, and other non-governmental organizations and individuals concerned with services for persons with disabilities.
The Committee shall:
- Meet quarterly or more often as is deemed necessary.
- Serve in an advisory capacity to those State agencies charged with implementation of the Disabilities Services Plan, including but not limited to: the Illinois Department of Human Services, Department of Public Aid, Department on Aging, and the Illinois Housing Development Authority.
- Provide ongoing oversight of progress to the Governor and General Assembly and periodic reports to those State agencies that are responsible for the Plan's implementation, as well as periodic recommendations for possible revisions to the Community Living and Disabilities Plan.
- Work in collaboration with state agencies to develop and facilitate a model of individual choice, utilizing a person centered planning approach.
- Identify opportunities for change through advances in technology, techniques or promising practices.
- Assist in analyzing the impact on service delivery of private sector and market forces and changing demographics.
- Examine ways to have funding for services follow the consumer's choice for services.
This Executive Order Number 7 (2002) shall become effective upon filing with the Secretary of State.
Date Filed with Secretary
of State: April 24, 2002