Executive Order Number 02-04 (PDF, 151 KB)

WHEREAS, The citizens and industry of Illinois are best served when State government operates as efficiently and effectively as possible; and
WHEREAS, Executive Order #7 (1 999) and Executive Order #8 (1 999) created, respectively, the Office of Statewide Performance Review and the Illinois Office of Strategic Planning, both within the Office of the Governor; and
WHEREAS, The Office of Statewide Performance Review and tile Illinois Office of Strategic Planning have made great progress in improving the effectiveness and efficiency of State agency operations and ensuring a higher level of accountability in state government through strategic management; and
WHEREAS, The State Budget Law of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois, 15 ILCS 20/Art. 50, mandates the Bureau of the Budget to work with State agencies to provide departmental performance measures, accountability reports and strategic plans as part of the annual budget process; and
WHEREAS, The federal Government Accounting Standards Board requires the State agencies to submit annual performance data to the Illinois Office of the Comptroller; and
WHEREAS, The Illinois General Assembly has demonstrated strong support for strengthening and expanding the duties and responsibilities of the Bureau of the Budget in this regard; and
WHEREAS, Incorporating the official duties and responsibilities of the Office of Statewide Performance Review and the Illinois Office of Strategic Planning within the Bureau of the Budget will enhance the coordination of budgetary, performance review and strategic planning function within the Office of the Governor;
THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED, that the following action shall be executed:
- Under the authority of the Bureau of the Budget Act, 20 ILCS 3005/Act, the Bureau of the Budget, the Office of Statewide Performance Review and the Illinois Office of Strategic Planning shall immediately begin the process of merging the duties and responsibilities set forth in Executive Order #7 (1999) and Executive Order #8 (1999) within the Bureau of the Budget.
- The transfer to the Bureau of the Budget of personnel, records, and administrative functions of the Office of Statewide Performance Review and the Illinois Office of Strategic Planning shall begin upon the effective date of this Executive Order and be completed on or before June 30, 2002. In addition, the currently-funded positions within the Capital Development Board intended to perform long-term capital planning shall be transferred to the Bureau of the Budget on or before June 30, 2002.
- Beginning with FY2004 and every year thereafter, in accordance with the State Budget Law of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois, 15 ILCS 20.ART. 50, the Bureau of the Budget shall:
- Assist in setting the strategic direction for state government by compiling state level strategic issues.
- Require that executive agencies electronically provide an annual update of their strategic plan.
- Annually identify key issues related to the updated agency strategic plans that will significantly impact state finance during the next fiscal year.
- Annually compile a state level strategic direction, by functional area, to be included in the yearly Budget Book prepared by the Bureau of the Budget.
- Require that executive agencies provide an annual management plan consisting of key elements from agency strategic plans and performance review data, combined with preliminary budget allocations for the next fiscal year. The annual management plan shall serve as the primary document for constructing the next fiscal year's State budget proposal.
- This Executive Order is effective upon filing with the Secretary of State.
Issued by Governor: April 1, 2002
Filed with Secretary of State: April 1, 2002