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Possible online services disruption due to Internet related outage

A worldwide technology outage is causing disruption to some State of Illinois online systems.  We are aware of this issue and are diligently working on restoration.

Executive Order 2020-32

April 30, 2020

Executive Order 2020-32


WHEREAS, protecting the health and safety of Illinoisans is among the most important functions of State government; and,

WHEREAS, it is critical that Illinoisans who become sick are able to be treated by medical professionals, including when a hospital bed, emergency room bed, or ventilator is needed; and,

WHEREAS, it is also critical that the State’s health care and first responder workforce has adequate personal protective equipment (PPE) to safely treat patients, respond to public health disasters, and prevent the spread of communicable diseases; and,

WHEREAS, Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a novel severe acute respiratory illness that has spread among people through respiratory transmissions, the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a Public Health Emergency of International Concern on January 30, 2020, and the United States Secretary of Health and Human Services declared that COVID-19 presents a public health emergency on January 27, 2020; and,

WHEREAS, on March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization characterized the COVID-19 outbreak as a pandemic, and has reported more than 3 million confirmed cases of COVID-19 and 200,000 deaths attributable to COVID-19 globally as of April 30, 2020; and,

WHEREAS, a vaccine or treatment is not currently available for COVID-19 and, on April 24, 2020, the World Health Organization warned that there is currently no evidence that people who have recovered from COVID-19 and have antibodies are protected from a second infection; and, 

WHEREAS, despite efforts to contain COVID-19, the World Health Organization and the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicated that the virus was expected to continue spreading and it has, in fact, continued to spread rapidly, resulting in the need for federal and State governments to take significant steps; and,

WHEREAS, the CDC currently recommends that all United States residents take precautions to contain the spread of COVID-19, including that they: (1) stay home as much as possible; (2) if they must leave their home, practice social distancing by maintaining 6 feet of distance from others and avoiding all gatherings; (3) wear cloth face coverings in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain; (4) be alert for symptoms such as fever, cough, or shortness of breath, and take their temperature if symptoms develop; and (5) exercise appropriate hygiene, including proper hand-washing; and,

WHEREAS, the CDC also recommends the following precautions for household members, caretakers and other persons having close contact with a person with symptomatic COVID-19, during the period from 48 hours before onset of symptoms until the symptomatic person meets the criteria for discontinuing home isolation:  (1) stay home until 14 days after last exposure and maintain social distance (at least 6 feet) from others at all times; (2) self-monitor for symptoms, including checking their temperature twice a day and watching for fever, cough, or shortness of breath; and (3) avoid contact with people at higher risk for severe illness (unless they live in the same home and had the same exposure); and,

WHEREAS, as circumstances surrounding COVID-19 rapidly evolve, there have been frequent changes in information and guidance from public health officials as a result of emerging evidence; and,

WHEREAS, as of April 30, 2020, there have been nearly 53,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in 97 Illinois counties and 2,350 deaths from COVID-19; and,

WHEREAS, studies suggest that for every confirmed case there are many more unknown cases, some of which are asymptomatic individuals, meaning that individuals can pass the virus to others without knowing; and,

WHEREAS, as the virus has progressed through Illinois, the crisis facing the State has developed and now requires an evolving response to ensure hospitals, health care professionals and first responders are able to meet the health care needs of all Illinoisans and in a manner consistent with CDC guidance that continues to be updated; and,

WHEREAS, Illinois is using a high percentage of hospital beds, ICU beds, and ventilators as a result of the number of COVID-19 patients that require hospitalization and, if cases were to surge higher, the State would face a shortage of these critical health care resources; and,

WHEREAS, Illinois currently has a total of 32,010 hospital beds with 3,631 ICU beds, of which, as of April 30, 2020, only 33% of hospital beds and 25% of ICU beds were available statewide, and only 17% of ICU beds were available in the Chicago region; and,

WHEREAS, the State worked with top researchers from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, the Northwestern School of Medicine, the University of Chicago, the Chicago and Illinois Departments of Public Health, along with McKinsey and Mier Consulting Group, and Civis Analytics, to analyze two months’ worth of daily data on COVID-19 deaths and ICU usage and model potential outcomes; and,

WHEREAS, the State’s modeling shows that its health care resource utilization will not peak until May, and that health care resources will continue to be limited after the peak; and,

WHEREAS, the State’s modeling shows that without extensive social distancing and other precautions, the State will not have sufficient hospital beds, ICU beds or ventilators; and,

WHEREAS, Illinois currently has a total of 32,010 hospital beds, and the State’s modeling shows that without a “stay at home” order, more than 100,000 hospital beds would be necessary; and,

WHEREAS, Illinois currently has a total of 3,631 ICU beds, and the State’s modeling shows that without a “stay at home” order, more than 25,000 ICU beds would be necessary; and,

WHEREAS, Illinois currently has a total of 3,378 ventilators, and the State’s modeling shows that without a “stay at home” order, upwards of 20,000 ventilators would be necessary; and,

WHEREAS, the State’s modeling shows that without a “stay at home” order, the number of deaths from COVID-19 would be between 10 to 20 times higher than with a “stay at home” order in place; and,

WHEREAS, I declared all counties in the State of Illinois as a disaster area on April 30, 2020 because the current circumstances in Illinois surrounding the spread of COVID-19 constitute an epidemic and a public health emergency under Section 4 of the Illinois Emergency Management Agency Act; and,

WHEREAS, I declared all counties in the State of Illinois as a disaster area on April 30, 2020 because the current circumstances surrounding the threatened shortages of hospital beds, ICU beds, ventilators, and PPE, and critical need for increased COVID-19 testing capacity constitute a public health emergency under Section 4 of the Illinois Emergency Management Agency Act; and,

WHEREAS, the Illinois Constitution, in Article V, Section 8, provides that “the Governor shall have the supreme executive power, and shall be responsible for the faithful execution of the laws,” and states, in the Preamble, that a central purpose of the Illinois Constitution is “provide for the health, safety, and welfare of the people;” and,​

WHEREAS, for the preservation of public health and safety throughout the entire State of Illinois, and to ensure that our healthcare delivery system is capable of serving those who are sick, I find it necessary to take measures consistent with public health guidance to slow and stop the spread of COVID-19 and to prevent shortages of hospital beds, ICU beds, ventilators, and PPE and to increase COVID-19 testing capacity;

THEREFORE, by the powers vested in me as the Governor of the State of Illinois, pursuant to the Illinois Constitution and Sections 7(1), 7(2), 7(3), 7(8), 7(9), and 7(12) of the Illinois Emergency Management Agency Act, 20 ILCS 3305, and consistent with the powers in public health laws, I hereby order the following, effective May 1, 2020:

Section 1.  Public Health Requirements for Individuals Leaving Home and for Businesses

  1. Wearing a face covering in public places or when working.  Any individual who is over age two and able to medically tolerate a face-covering (a mask or cloth face-covering) shall be required to cover their nose and mouth with a face-covering when in a public place and unable to maintain a six-foot social distance.  Face-coverings are required in public indoor spaces such as stores.

  2. Requirements for essential stores.  Retail stores (including, but not limited to, stores that sell groceries and medicine, hardware stores, and greenhouses, garden centers, and nurseries) designated as Essential Businesses and Operations under this Order shall to the greatest extent possible:
    • provide face coverings to all employees who are not able to maintain a minimum six-foot social distance at all times;
    • cap occupancy at 50 percent of store capacity, or, alternatively, at the occupancy limits based on store square footage set by the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity;
    • set up store aisles to be one-way where practicable to maximize spacing between customers and identify the one-way aisles with conspicuous signage and/or floor markings;
    • communicate with customers through in-store signage, and public service announcements and advertisements, about the social distancing requirements set forth in this Order (Social Distancing Requirements); and
    • discontinue use of reusable bags. 

    Households must limit the number of members who enter stores to the minimum necessary.

  3. Requirements for non-essential stores.  Retail stores not designated as Essential Businesses and Operations may re-open for the limited purposes of fulfilling telephone and online orders through pick-up outside the store and delivery – which are deemed to be Minimum Basic Operations. Employees working in the store must follow the social Distancing Requirements, and must wear a face covering when they may come within six feet of another employee or a customer.

  4. Requirements for manufacturers.  Manufacturers that continue to operate pursuant to this Order must follow Social Distancing Requirements and take appropriate precautions, which may include:
    • providing face coverings to all employees who are not able to maintain a minimum six-foot social distance at all times;
    • staggering shifts;
    • reducing line speeds;
    • operating only essential lines, while shutting down non-essential lines;
    • ensuring that all spaces where employees may gather, including locker rooms and lunchrooms, allow for social distancing; and
    • downsizing operations to the extent necessary to allow for social distancing and to provide a safe workplace in response to the COVID-19 emergency.


  5. Requirements for all businesses.  All businesses must evaluate which employees are able to work from home, and are encouraged to facilitate remote work from home when possible.  All businesses that have employees physically reporting to a work-site must post the guidance from the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) and Office of the Illinois Attorney General regarding workplace safety during the COVID-19 emergency.  The guidance will be posted on the IDPH webpage.

Section 2. Stay at Home; Social Distancing Requirements; and Essential Businesses and Operations

  1. Stay at home or place of residence. With exceptions as outlined below, all individuals currently living within the State of Illinois are ordered to stay at home or at their place of residence except as allowed in this Executive Order.  To the extent individuals are using shared or outdoor spaces when outside their residence, they must at all times and as much as reasonably possible maintain social distancing of at least six feet from any other person, consistent with the Social Distancing Requirements set forth in this Executive Order.  All persons may leave their homes or place of residence only for Essential Activities, Essential Governmental Functions, or to operate Essential Businesses and Operations, all as defined below.

    Individuals experiencing homelessness are exempt from this directive, but are strongly urged to obtain shelter, and governmental and other entities are strongly urged to make such shelter available as soon as possible and to the maximum extent practicable (and to use in their operation COVID-19 risk mitigation practices recommended by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH)).  Individuals whose residences are unsafe or become unsafe, such as victims of domestic violence, are permitted and urged to leave their home and stay at a safe alternative location.  For purposes of this Executive Order, homes or residences include hotels, motels, shared rental units, shelters, and similar facilities.

  2. Non-essential business and operations must cease.  All businesses and operations in the State, except Essential Businesses and Operations as defined below, are required to cease all activities within the State except Minimum Basic Operations, as defined below.  For clarity, businesses may also continue operations consisting exclusively of employees or contractors performing activities at their own residences (i.e., working from home).

    All Essential Businesses and Operations may remain open consistent with the express provisions of this Order and the intent of this Order as set forth in Section 2, Paragraph 16 below.  To the greatest extent feasible, Essential Businesses and Operations shall comply with Social Distancing Requirements as defined in this Executive Order, including by maintaining six-foot social distancing for both employees and members of the public at all times, including, but not limited to, when any customers are standing in line.

  3. Prohibited activities.  All public and private gatherings of any number of people occurring outside a single household or living unit are prohibited, except for the limited purposes permitted by this Executive Order.  Pursuant to current guidance from the CDC, any gathering of more than ten people is prohibited unless exempted by this Executive Order.  Nothing in this Executive Order prohibits the gathering of members of a household or residence.

    All places of public amusement, whether indoors or outdoors, including but not limited to, locations with amusement rides, carnivals, amusement parks, water parks, aquariums, zoos, museums, arcades, fairs, children’s play centers, playgrounds, funplexes, theme parks, bowling alleys, movie and other theaters, concert and music halls, and country clubs or social clubs shall be closed to the public.

  4. Prohibited and permitted travel. All travel, including, but not limited to, travel by automobile, motorcycle, scooter, bicycle, train, plane, or public transit, except Essential Travel and Essential Activities as defined herein, is prohibited.  People riding on public transit must comply with Social Distancing Requirements to the greatest extent feasible.  This Executive Order allows travel into or out of the State to maintain Essential Businesses and Operations and Minimum Basic Operations.

  5. Leaving the home for essential activities is permittedFor purposes of this Executive Order, individuals may leave their residence only to perform any of the following Essential Activities, and must follow the Social Distancing Requirements set forth in this Order, including wearing face coverings when in public or at work:

    1. For health and safety.  To engage in activities or perform tasks essential to their health and safety, or to the health and safety of their family or household members (including, but not limited to, pets), such as, by way of example only and without limitation, seeking emergency services, obtaining medical supplies or medication, or visiting a health care professional.
    2. For necessary supplies and services.  To obtain necessary services or supplies for themselves and their family or household members, or to deliver those services or supplies to others, such as, by way of example only and without limitation, groceries and food, household consumer products, supplies they need to work from home, and products necessary to maintain the safety, sanitation, and essential operation of residences. 
    3. For outdoor activityTo engage in outdoor activity, provided the individuals comply with Social Distancing Requirements, as defined below, such as, by way of example and without limitation, walking, hiking, running, and biking. Individuals may go to public parks and open outdoor recreation areas, including specific State parks that remain open for certain activities, as designated by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources. Fishing, boating, and golf are permitted only when following the guidelines provided by the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO).  Playgrounds may increase spread of COVID-19, and therefore shall be closed.
    4. For certain types of work.  To perform work providing essential products and services at Essential Businesses or Operations (which, as defined below, includes Healthcare and Public Health Operations, Human Services Operations, Essential Governmental Functions, and Essential Infrastructure) or to otherwise carry out activities specifically permitted in this Executive Order, including Minimum Basic Operations.
    5. To take care of others.  To care for a family member, friend, or pet in another household, and to transport family members, friends, or pets as allowed by this Executive Order.
    6. To engage in the free exercise of religion.  To engage in the free exercise of religion, provided that such exercise must comply with Social Distancing Requirements and the limit on gatherings of more than ten people in keeping with CDC guidelines for the protection of public health.  Religious organizations and houses of worship are encouraged to use online or drive-in services to protect the health and safety of their congregants.

  6. Elderly people and those who are vulnerable as a result of illness should take additional precautionsPeople at high risk of severe illness from COVID-19, including elderly people and those who are sick, are urged to stay in their residence to the extent possible except as necessary to seek medical care.  Nothing in this Executive Order prevents the Illinois Department of Public Health or local public health departments from issuing and enforcing isolation and quarantine orders pursuant to the Department of Public Health Act, 20 ILCS 2305.

  7. Healthcare and Public Health Operations.  For purposes of this Executive Order, individuals may leave their residence to work for or obtain services through Healthcare and Public Health Operations.

    Healthcare and Public Health Operations includes, but is not limited to: hospitals; clinics; dental offices; pharmacies; public health entities, including those that compile, model, analyze and communicate public health information; pharmaceutical, pharmacy, medical device and equipment, and biotechnology companies (including operations, research and development, manufacture, and supply chain); organizations collecting blood, platelets, plasma, and other necessary materials; licensed medical cannabis dispensaries and licensed cannabis cultivation centers; reproductive health care providers; eye care centers, including those that sell glasses and contact lenses; home healthcare services providers; mental health and substance use providers; other healthcare facilities and suppliers and providers of any related and/or ancillary healthcare services; and entities that transport and dispose of medical materials and remains.

    Specifically included in Healthcare and Public Health Operations are manufacturers, technicians, logistics, and warehouse operators and distributors of medical equipment, personal protective equipment (PPE), medical gases, pharmaceuticals, blood and blood products, vaccines, testing materials, laboratory supplies, cleaning, sanitizing, disinfecting or sterilization supplies, and tissue and paper towel products. 

    Healthcare and Public Health Operations also includes veterinary care and all healthcare and grooming services provided to animals.

    Healthcare and Public Health Operations shall be construed broadly to avoid any impacts to the delivery of healthcare, broadly defined.  Healthcare and Public Health Operations does not include fitness and exercise gyms, spas, salons, barber shops, tattoo parlors, and similar facilities. 

  8. Human Services OperationsFor purposes of this Executive Order, individuals may leave their residence to work for or obtain services at any Human Services Operations, including any provider funded by the Illinois Department of Human Services, Illinois Department of Children and Family Services, or Medicaid that is providing services to the public and including state-operated, institutional, or community-based settings providing human services to the public. 

    Human Services Operations includes, but is not limited to: long-term care facilities; all entities licensed pursuant to the Child Care Act, 225 ILCS 10, except for day care centers, day care homes, and group day care homes; day care centers licensed as specified in Section 2, Paragraph 12(s) of this Executive Order; day programs exempt from licensure under Title 89 of the Illinois Administrative Code, Sections 377.3(a)(1)-(a)(4), (b)(2), and (c); day programs exempt from licensure under Title 89 of the Illinois Administrative Code, Section 377.3(d) (subject to the conditions governing exempt day care homes set forth in Section 1, Paragraph 12(s) of this Executive Order); residential settings and shelters for adults, seniors, children, and/or people with developmental disabilities, intellectual disabilities, substance use disorders, and/or mental illness;  transitional facilities; home-based settings to provide services to individuals with physical, intellectual, and/or developmental disabilities, seniors, adults, and children; field offices that provide and help to determine eligibility for basic needs including food, cash assistance, medical coverage, child care, vocational services, rehabilitation services; developmental centers; adoption agencies; businesses that provide food, shelter, and social services, and other necessities of life for economically disadvantaged individuals, individuals with physical, intellectual, and/or developmental disabilities, or otherwise needy individuals.

    Human Services Operations shall be construed broadly to avoid any impacts to the delivery of human services, broadly defined.

  9. Essential InfrastructureFor purposes of this Executive Order, individuals may leave their residence to provide any services or perform any work necessary to offer, provision, operate, maintain and repair Essential Infrastructure.

    Essential Infrastructure includes, but is not limited to: food production, distribution, and sale; construction (including, but not limited to, construction required in response to this public health emergency, hospital construction, construction of long-term care facilities, public works construction, and housing construction); building management and maintenance; airport operations; operation and maintenance of utilities, including water, sewer, and gas; electrical (including power generation, distribution, and production of raw materials); distribution centers; oil and biofuel refining; roads, highways, railroads, and public transportation; ports; cybersecurity operations; flood control; solid waste and recycling collection and removal; and internet, video, and telecommunications systems (including the provision of essential global, national, and local infrastructure for computing services, business infrastructure, communications, and web-based services).

    Essential Infrastructure shall be construed broadly to avoid any impacts to essential infrastructure, broadly defined.

  10. Essential Governmental Functions.  For purposes of this Executive Order, all first responders, emergency management personnel, emergency dispatchers, court personnel, law enforcement and corrections personnel, hazardous materials responders, child protection and child welfare personnel, housing and shelter personnel, military, and other governmental employees working for or to support Essential Businesses and Operations are categorically exempt from this Executive Order. 

    Essential Government Functions means all services provided by the State or any municipal, township, county, subdivision or agency of government and needed to ensure the continuing operation of the government agencies or to provide for or support the health, safety and welfare of the public, and including contractors performing Essential Government Functions.  Each government body shall determine its Essential Governmental Functions and identify employees and/or contractors necessary to the performance of those functions.

    This Executive Order does not apply to the United States government.  Nothing in this Executive Order shall prohibit any individual from performing or accessing Essential Governmental Functions.

  11. Businesses covered by this Executive Order.  For the purposes of this Executive Order, covered businesses include any for-profit, non-profit, or educational entities, regardless of the nature of the service, the function it performs, or its corporate or entity structure.

  12. Essential Businesses and Operations.  For the purposes of this Executive Order, Essential Businesses and Operations means Healthcare and Public Health Operations, Human Services Operations, Essential Governmental Functions, and Essential Infrastructure, and the following:
    1. Stores that sell groceries and medicineGrocery stores, pharmacies, certified farmers’ markets, farm and produce stands, supermarkets, convenience stores, and other establishments engaged in the retail sale of groceries, canned food, dry goods, frozen foods, fresh fruits and vegetables, pet supplies, fresh meats, fish, and poultry, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, and any other household consumer products (such as cleaning and personal care products). This includes stores that sell groceries, medicine, including medication not requiring a medical prescription, and also that sell other non-grocery products, and products necessary to maintaining the safety, sanitation, and essential operation of residences and Essential Businesses and Operations;
    2. Food, beverage, and cannabis production and agriculture. Food and beverage manufacturing, production, processing, and cultivation, including farming, livestock, fishing, baking, and other production agriculture, including cultivation, marketing, production, and distribution of animals and goods for consumption; licensed medical and adult use cannabis dispensaries and licensed cannabis cultivation centers; and businesses that provide food, shelter, and other necessities of life for animals, including animal shelters, rescues, shelters, kennels, and adoption facilities;
    3. Organizations that provide charitable and social services.  Businesses and religious and secular nonprofit organizations, including food banks, when providing food, shelter, and social services, and other necessities of life for economically disadvantaged or otherwise needy individuals, individuals who need assistance as a result of this emergency, and people with disabilities;
    4. Media.  Newspapers, television, radio, and other media services;
    5. Gas stations and businesses needed for transportation. Gas stations and auto-supply, auto-repair, and related facilities and bicycle shops and related facilities;
    6. Financial institutions.  Banks, currency exchanges, consumer lenders, including but not limited, to payday lenders, pawnbrokers, consumer installment lenders and sales finance lenders, credit unions, appraisers, title companies, financial markets, trading and futures exchanges, affiliates of financial institutions, entities that issue bonds, related financial institutions, and institutions selling financial products;
    7. Hardware and supply stores and greenhouses, garden centers, and nurseries.  Hardware stores and businesses that sell electrical, plumbing, and heating material, and greenhouses, garden centers, and nurseries;
    8. Critical trades.  Building and Construction Tradesmen and Tradeswomen, and other trades including but not limited to plumbers, electricians, exterminators, cleaning and janitorial staff for commercial and governmental properties, security staff, operating engineers, HVAC, painting, moving and relocation services, and other service providers who provide services that are necessary to maintaining the safety, sanitation, and essential operation of residences, Essential Activities, and Essential Businesses and Operations; 
    9. Mail, post, shipping, logistics, delivery, and pick-up services.  Post offices and other businesses that provide shipping and delivery services, and businesses that ship or deliver groceries, food, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, goods or services to end users or through commercial channels;
    10. Educational institutions.  Educational institutions—including public and private pre-K-12 schools, colleges, and universities—for purposes of facilitating distance learning, performing critical research, or performing essential functions, provided that social distancing of six-feet per person is maintained to the greatest extent possible.  Educational institutions may allow and establish procedures for pick-up of necessary supplies and/or student belongings and dormitory move-out if conducted in a manner consistent with public health guidelines, including Social Distancing Requirements.  This Executive Order is consistent with and does not amend or supersede Executive Order 2020-05 (COVID-19 Executive Order No. 3) or Executive Order 2020-06 (COVID-19 Executive Order No. 4) except that affected schools have been closed past the April 7, 2020 date reflected in those Orders;
    11. Laundry services.  Laundromats, dry cleaners, industrial laundry services, and laundry service providers;
    12. Restaurants for consumption off-premises.  Restaurants and other facilities that prepare and serve food, but only for consumption off-premises, through such means as in-house delivery, third-party delivery, drive-through, curbside pick-up, and carry-out.  Schools and other entities that typically provide food services to students or members of the public may continue to do so under this Executive Order on the condition that the food is provided to students or members of the public on a pick-up and takeaway basis only.  Schools and other entities that provide food services under this exemption shall not permit the food to be eaten at the site where it is provided, or at any other gathering site due to the virus’s propensity to physically impact surfaces and personal property.  This Executive Order is consistent with and does not amend or supersede Section 1 of Executive Order 2020-07 (COVID-19 Executive Order No. 5) except that Section 1 is ordered to be extended through April 7, 2020;
    13. Supplies to work from home.  Businesses that sell, manufacture, or supply products needed for people to work from home;
    14. Supplies for Essential Businesses and Operations.  Businesses that sell, manufacture, or supply other Essential Businesses and Operations with the support or materials necessary to operate, including computers, audio and video electronics, household appliances; IT and telecommunication equipment; hardware, paint, flat glass; electrical, plumbing and heating material; sanitary equipment; personal hygiene products; food, food additives, ingredients and components; medical and orthopedic equipment; optics and photography equipment; diagnostics, food and beverages, chemicals, soaps and detergent; and firearm and ammunition suppliers and retailers for purposes of safety and security;
    15. Transportation.  Airlines, taxis, transportation network providers (such as Uber and Lyft), vehicle rental services, paratransit, and other private, public, and commercial transportation and logistics providers necessary for Essential Activities and other purposes expressly authorized in this Executive Order;
    16. Home-based care and services.  Home-based care for adults, seniors, children, and/or people with developmental disabilities, intellectual disabilities, substance use disorders, and/or mental illness, including caregivers such as nannies who may travel to the child’s home to provide care, and other in-home services including meal delivery;
    17. Residential facilities and shelters.  Residential facilities and shelters for adults, seniors, children, and/or people with developmental disabilities, intellectual disabilities, substance use disorders, and/or mental illness;
    18. Professional services.  Professional services, such as legal services, accounting services, insurance services, real estate services (including appraisal and title services);
    19. Day care centers for employees exempted by this Executive Order.  Day care centers granted an emergency license pursuant to Title 89, Section 407.500 of the Illinois Administrative Code, governing Emergency Day Care Programs for children of employees exempted by this Executive Order to work as permitted.  The licensing requirements for day care homes pursuant to Section 4 of the Child Care Act, 225 ILCS 10/4, are hereby suspended for family homes that receive up to 6 children for the duration of the Gubernatorial Disaster Proclamation;
    20. Manufacture, distribution, and supply chain for critical products and industries.  Manufacturing companies, distributors, and supply chain companies producing and supplying essential products and services in and for industries such as pharmaceutical, technology, biotechnology, healthcare, chemicals and sanitization, waste pickup and disposal, agriculture, food and beverage, transportation, energy, steel and steel products, petroleum and fuel, mining, construction, national defense, communications, as well as products used by other Essential Businesses and Operations;
    21. Critical labor union functions.  Labor Union essential activities including the administration of health and welfare funds and personnel checking on the well-being and safety of members providing services in Essential Businesses and Operations – provided that these checks should be done by telephone or remotely where possible;
    22. Hotels and motels.  Hotels and motels, to the extent used for lodging and delivery or carry-out food services; and
    23. Funeral services.  Funeral, mortuary, cremation, burial, cemetery, and related services.
  13. Minimum Basic Operations.  For the purposes of this Executive Order, Minimum Basic Operations include the following, provided that employees comply with Social Distancing Requirements, to the extent possible, while carrying out such operations:
    1. The minimum necessary activities to maintain the value of the business’s inventory, preserve the condition of the business’s physical plant and equipment, ensure security, process payroll and employee benefits, or for related functions.
    2. The minimum necessary activities to facilitate employees of the business being able to continue to work remotely from their residences.
    3. For retail stores, fulfilling online and telephonic orders through pick-up outside the store or delivery.


  14. Essential Travel.  For the purposes of this Executive Order, Essential Travel includes travel for any of the following purposes. Individuals engaged in any Essential Travel must comply with all Social Distancing Requirements as defined in this Section.
    1. Any travel related to the provision of or access to Essential Activities, Essential Governmental Functions, Essential Businesses and Operations, or Minimum Basic Operations.
    2. Travel to care for elderly, minors, dependents, persons with disabilities, or other vulnerable persons.
    3. Travel to or from educational institutions for purposes of receiving materials for distance learning, for receiving meals, and any other related services.
    4. Travel to return to a place of residence from outside the jurisdiction.
    5. Travel required by law enforcement or court order, including to transport children pursuant to a custody agreement.
    6. Travel required for non-residents to return to their place of residence outside the State. Individuals are strongly encouraged to verify that their transportation out of the State remains available and functional prior to commencing such travel.
  15. Social Distancing, Face Covering, and PPE Requirements.  For purposes of this Executive Order, Social Distancing Requirements includes maintaining at least six-foot social distancing from other individuals, washing hands with soap and water for at least twenty seconds as frequently as possible or using hand sanitizer, covering coughs or sneezes (into the sleeve or elbow, not hands), regularly cleaning high-touch surfaces, and not shaking hands.
    1. Required measures.  Essential Businesses and Operations and businesses engaged in Minimum Basic Operations must take proactive measures to ensure compliance with Social Distancing Requirements, including where possible:
      1. Designate six-foot distances.  Designating with signage, tape, or by other means six-foot spacing for employees and customers in line to maintain appropriate distance;
      2. Hand sanitizer and sanitizing products.  Having hand sanitizer and sanitizing products readily available for employees and customers;
      3. Separate operating hours for vulnerable populations.  Implementing separate operating hours for elderly and vulnerable customers; and
      4. Online and remote access.  Posting online whether a facility is open and how best to reach the facility and continue services by phone or remotely.
      5. Face Coverings and PPE.  Providing employees with appropriate face coverings and requiring that employees wear face coverings where maintaining a six-foot social distance is not possible at all times.  When the work circumstances require, providing employees with other PPE in addition to face coverings.

  16. Intent of this Executive Order.  The intent of this Executive Order is to ensure that the maximum number of people self-isolate in their places of residence to the maximum extent feasible, while enabling essential services to continue, to slow the spread of COVID-19 to the greatest extent possible. When people need to leave their places of residence, whether to perform Essential Activities, or to otherwise facilitate authorized activities necessary for continuity of social and commercial life, they should at all times and as much as reasonably possible comply with Social Distancing Requirements.  All provisions of this Executive Order should be interpreted to effectuate this intent. Businesses not specifically addressed by this Executive Order generally should cease activities and reduce to Minimum Basic Operations.
  17. Enforcement.  This Executive Order may be enforced by State and local law enforcement pursuant to, inter alia, Section 7, Section 15, Section 18, and Section 19 of the Illinois Emergency Management Agency Act, 20 ILCS 3305.
  18. Businesses must follow guidance provided or published by: the Office of the Governor, the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, and State and local law enforcement regarding whether they qualify as Essential; and the Illinois Department of Public Health, local public health departments, and the Workplace Rights Bureau of the Office of the Illinois Attorney General with respect to Social Distancing Requirements.  Pursuant to Section 25(b) of the Whistleblower Act, 740 ILCS 174, businesses are prohibited from retaliating against an employee for disclosing information where the employee has reasonable cause to believe that the information discloses a violation of this Order
  19. No limitation on authority.  Nothing in this Executive Order shall, in any way, alter or modify any existing legal authority allowing the State or any county, or local government body from ordering (1) any quarantine or isolation that may require an individual to remain inside a particular residential property or medical facility for a limited period of time, including the duration of this public health emergency, or (2) any closure of a specific location for a limited period of time, including the duration of this public health emergency.  Nothing in this Executive Order shall, in any way, alter or modify any existing legal authority allowing a county or local government body to enact provisions that are stricter than those in this Executive Order.

Section 3. Savings clause
If any provision of this Executive Order or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, this invalidity does not affect any other provision or application of this Executive Order, which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application. To achieve this purpose, the provisions of this Executive Order are declared to be severable.  This Executive Order is meant to be read consistently with any Court order regarding this Executive Order.


JB Pritzker, Governor

Issued by the Governor April 30, 2020
Filed by the Secretary of State April 30, 2020