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Press Releases
Illinois Department of Labor Recognizes National Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in Construction
SPRINGFIELD - Falls are a leading cause of death for workers in the construction industry. The Illinois Department of Labor's (IDOL) Division of Occupational Health and Safety (IL OSHA) and On-Site Safety and Health Consultation Program are bringing awareness to the problem by joining partners in Illinois and across the country in recognizing the National Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in Construction from May 1st - 5th.
In 2021, the Bureau of Labor Statistics recorded 986 construction-related deaths. Among them, 378 were caused by falls. Seven fall-related deaths among workers in Illinois were recorded by OSHA last year. Federal OSHA says all of those deaths were preventable.
"Proper education, training and safety measures are critical to reducing and eliminating injuries and deaths from falls on construction sites," said Erik Kambarian, Chief of IL OSHA. "Preventing injury and death can be as easy as taking a break on the job to inspect safety equipment or to discuss hazards."
IDOL recommends businesses with questions related to preventing falls consult the Illinois On-Site Safety and Health Consultation Program. For more information click here or send an email.
Multiple safety resources are also available through federal OSHA.
Enforcement of occupational safety and health standards in Illinois is a shared responsibility between the U.S. DOL OSHA and the IDOL Division of Occupational Safety and Health (IL OSHA). Federal OSHA, an Administration under the U.S. Department of Labor, covers all private sector workplaces while IL OSHA, a Division of the IDOL, covers all state and local government workplaces.
Press Releases