Press Releases
Governor's Export Awards Recipients Announced
CHICAGO – Lt. Governor Evelyn Sanguinetti and the Illinois Department of Commerce (DCEO) announced the recipients of the 2016 Governor’s Export Awards at an awards ceremony last night. The Governor’s Export Awards are Illinois’ highest recognition of export achievement, honoring Illinois companies that have achieved excellence in exporting, as well as organizations that provide export assistance.
“Illinois has the best location, the best people, and the best infrastructure of any other state in the nation,” Governor Rauner said. “Our businesses and entrepreneurs are the backbone of the Illinois economy and this year’s recipients exemplify just that. They are excellent leaders and innovators with reach across the globe, but their impacts are most felt right here at home. We’ll continue to stand up to the status quo and political insiders in Springfield for a balanced budget with reforms to help businesses grow and create jobs in communities throughout our great state.”
Lt. Governor Evelyn Sanguinetti presented the awards at a reception Tuesday evening at the Union League Club of Chicago.
“Our state takes great pride in its exports and through this event we recognize businesses and organizations that succeed in international trading and exporting,” said Lieutenant Governor Evelyn Sanguinetti. “Our administration is committed to creating a friendlier business climate, focused on helping businesses grow by reducing bureaucracy and making Illinois more attractive for companies to grow and stay in our great state.”
Illinois is the largest exporting state in the Midwest, and the fifth largest exporting state in the nation. Exports by Illinois companies totaled over $63.4 billion in 2015. The awardees have a combined export revenue in excess of $75 million and employ more than 1,000 people in Illinois.
“Each of these recipients have demonstrated a true gift for expanding across markets and showing off Illinois around the globe,” said DCEO Acting Director Sean McCarthy. “Illinois is second to none in the products we make. By increasing our economic reach across the world, we can invest further at home and help our businesses thrive.”
The 16 Illinois companies below were recognized under the following categories:
New Exporter
Medix IT
Thank God It’s Natural
SS Marine Products, Inc.
Green Innovation and Technology, Inc.
Exporter of the Year
Denbur, Inc.
AJ Antunes & Co.
Koval Distillery
Agricultural Business Exporter
Illinois Soybean Association
Service Exporter
LR International, Inc.
Midwest Aero Support, Inc.
Wi-Tronix, LLC
Export Awareness and Development
Illinois Chamber of Commerce – International Business Council
Export Continuing Excellence
Frigid Fluid Co.
New Medical Technology, Inc.
Lodaat, LLC
W.S. Darley & Co.
DCEO’s Office of Trade and Investment, through a network of 10 regional foreign offices and staff in both Chicago and Springfield, provides technical support to Illinois companies ready to enter or expand into foreign markets. With financial assistance through the Illinois State Trade and Export Promotion (ISTEP) program, companies can participate in state coordinated trade missions, individual matchmaking missions, achieve product compliance and receive international marketing assistance.
For more information on Illinois trade opportunities, visit
Press Releases